Study & Research
  "Experiment 2"

The report of scientific experiments
in Wujijinggong

Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)
J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci. Vol. 16, No. 2, September, 1998
The Sixth Symposium on life Information Science
August 22-23 1998,Tokyo Denki University,Tokyo

Power spectral analysis of R-R interval variability
during Wujijinggong

Yukiko MINEGISHI*1, Tsuyoshi WATANABE*1,

*1 University of Kokushikan (Tokyo, Japan)
*2 Hujisawa City Health & Medical Center (Kanagawa, Japan)
*3 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan)

Abstract: This study was designed to evaluate the influence on autonomic nervous activity caused by "wujijinggong" training which is one kind of health-qigong. The subjects practiced qigong and R-R interval variability was evaluated by power spectral analysis. In the tow test groups, trained and untrained subjects, the power spectra in high frequency band (HF) during qigong decreased significantly, and the ratio of low frequency band to high frequency band (LF/HF) during qigong did not increase. These results suggested neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic nervous systems were activated during qigong.
Keywords: health-qigong, power spectral analysis,
R-R interval variability, parasympathetic nervous system,
sympathetic nervous system


1. Introduction

"Wujijinggong" is one kind of health-qigong. This qigong has 12 kinds of movements; 8 are practiced from a standing posture, and the others, while sitting on a chair or walking. All the movements are slow and gentle with spontaneous abdominal breathing. It is said that carrying out wujijinggong training for a long period can bring about a harmony and unification between a person's mind and physical body. We evaluated the influence on autonomic nervous activity by power spectral analysis of R-R interval variability during qigong.

2. Method

The trained subjects were 11 women (49-66 years old) who had been practicing this qigong for 5-9 years and the untrained subjects were 4 women (49-63 years old) who had no experience with qigong. The cardiogram R-R intervals of the subjects were measured at rest before qigong (30min) , during qigong practice of 8 kinds of wujijinggong from a standing posture (50min), and during the recovery period (30min).
The R-R interval variability was evaluated by power spectral analysis using the maximum entropy method (Fig.1).The power spectrum was divided into two areas : low frequency band (0.04-0.15HZ) [LF] and high frequency band (0.15-0.40HZ) [HF], then HF was used as an indicator of parasympathetic function and the ratio of LF to HF [LF/HF] was used as an indicator of sympathetic function1).

Fig.1 Power spectral analysis of R-R interval variability during an entire experiment for one subject

Then mean HF and mean LF/HF were analyzed in each period of the both groups.

3. Results



Heart rate increased in both groups significantly. (Trained: before: 68.9±3.2bpm; during qigong: 81.3±6.7bpm; p<0.001. Untrained: before: 65.9±10.6bpm; during qigong: 73.3±10.4bpm; p<0.01)


HF decreased in both groups significantly. (Trained: before: 573.3±370.3msec2; during qigong: 281.4±200.7msec2; p<0.02. Un-trained: before: 356.5±109.2 msec2; during qigong: 227.5±85.7 msec2; p<0.05) (Fig.2)


LF/HF decreased in both groups, but not significantly. (Trained: before: 8.17±5.25; during qigong: 7.13±4.27. Untrained: before: 11.64±9.85; during qigong: 3.30±1.65) (Fig.3)


4. Discussion

These data indicated that function of the parasympathetic nervous system was sup-pressed but the function of sympathetic nervous system was not activated during qigong in either groups. This might be because of a well-balanced state in autonomic nervous systems, which made the subjects deeply relaxed.
The finding that there were no remarkable differences between the two groups contrasts with the data of endocrine response by the same qigong which we reported last time in March.




Pagani, M. et al: Power spectrum analysis of heart rate and arterial pressure variabilites as a marker of sympathovagal interaction in man and in conscious dog. Cir.Rse., 59:178-193, 1986.

Yukiko Minegishi:
Assistant Professor
Jichi Medical School, school of Nursing


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